XTC - Reign Of Blows

Исполнитель: XTC
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Reign Of Blows

Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows cascading down upon your shoulders
Far too many men dressed up as soldiers
The lamb is brought to the ground
Under the weight of the Crown
A crown of thorns and dark deeds
The swastika and the hammer and symbol
Are sickles that reap only weeds

Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows precedes a storm of revolution
People have no place in their solution
So torture raises its head
Decked out in blue, white, and red
And iron maidens will slam
And by the half light of burning republics
Joe Stalin looks just like Uncle Sam

Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows has washed away the corpse of Abel,

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