XTC - Here Comes President Kill Again

Исполнитель: XTC
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Here Comes President Kill Again

Here comes President Kill again,
Surrounded by all of his killing men.
Telling us who, why, where and when,
President Kill wants killing again.

Hooray, ring out the bells,
King Conscience is dead.
Hooray, now back in your cells,
We′ve President Kill instead.

Here comes President Kill again.
Broadcasting from his killing den.
Dressed in pounds and dollars and yen,
President Kill wants killing again.

Hooray, hang out the flags,
Queen Caring is dead.
Hooray, we′ll stack body bags,
For President Kill instead.

Ain′t democracy wonderful?
Them Russians can′t win!
Ain′t democracy wonderful?
Lets us vote someone like that in.

Here comes President Kill again,
from pure White House to Number 10.
Taking lives with a smoking pen,

Просмотров: 65


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