XTC - Helicopter

Исполнитель: XTC
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Helicopter

Oh heli Oh heli
I′m crouching here with a telescope in hand
Looking across our lego land
I really think it′s about time that she came down
She a laughing giggly whirlybird
She got to be obscene to be obheard
I really think its about time that she came down

And I object to all the air male that she pick up
the air male that she pick up
the air male that she pick up

When she′s up there twirling round
Just like a helicopter - copter
She′s landing on the town
It′s about time that I stopped her - stopped her
When she′s up there twirling round
Just like a helicopter - copter
Oh heli - Oh heli

Просмотров: 40


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