XTC - Fruit Nut

Исполнитель: XTC
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Fruit Nut

Tending my fruit, tending my fruit
Ah you′ve got to have a hobby
A man must have a shed to keep him sane

Spraying my buds, spraying my buds
Got to keep away diseases
I mix the poisons and the wife don′t complain

Some people say
That I am out of my tree
Or just a strawberry fool
Someday they′ll see
′Til then I′ll blow you a raspberry
′Cos apples and pears are me

So I′m tending my fruit
And I don′t give a hoot
′Cos it keeps me sane, it keeps me sane

Some people say
That I am out of my tree
Or just a strawberry fool
Someday they′ll see
′Til then I′ll blow you a raspberry
′Cos apples and pears are me

So I′m tending my fruit, tending my fruit
Ah you′ve got to have a hobby

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