Текст песни Westlife - What Do They Know

Исполнитель: Westlife
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни What Do They Know

All they know
Is when we fight
They never see us in the loving times
What do they know
They don′t know
A thing

And they don′t know
How the laughter flies
Only the stories
Most of which are lies
What do they know
They don′t know
A thing

How can you understand
A love so strong
When you never shared that with someone
And when all the lies are dead and gone
We′ll still be here
We′ll prove them wrong

Cause they don′t feel
Your touch at night
The way your hair falls in the morning light
What do they know
They don′t know
A thing

How can you understand
A love so strong
When you never shared that with someone
And when all the lies are dead and gone
We′ll still be here
We′ll prove them wrong

Cause all they know is how to criticize
They′ll never take a chance in their own lives
What do they know
They dont know
A thing
And all I know
Is they don′t know a thing

Просмотров: 36


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