Текст песни Westlife - Hey Whatever

Исполнитель: Westlife
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Hey Whatever

Well, I can′t control the universe
′Cause I′m only a man
And I may read the papers
But it won′t tell me who I am
And if you really need a new philosophy
Well, there′s one that makes sense
The one I profess
I say:
Hey Whatever
Let your beauty come alive
Let your colour fill the sky
And say:
Why don′t you liberate your mind?
Let your colour fill the sky
All the world′s a waiting room
And we′re standing in line
For the answer to the question:
What makes this fine?
Don′t let′em change your story
Don′t let′em change your song
Don′t let the gurus & philosopher
Lead you on
Hey Whatever
Let your beauty come alive
Let your colour fill the sky
And say:
Why don′t you liberate your mind?
Let your colour fill the sky
It′s like taking a seat at the roulette table
Just spinning the wheel
Good or bad
You take what comes
Don′t change how you feel
If you′re a champion of science
Or you′re just some freak show fool
What cannot be proved (no,no)
Can still be true
And I say:
Hey Whatever
Let your beauty come alive
Let your colour fill the sky
And say:
Why don′t you liberate your mind?
Let your colour fill the sky
Hey Whatever
Let your beauty come alive
Let your colour fill the sky
And say:
Why don′t you liberate your mind?
Let your colour fill the sky
Heeeeeeeeey whatever...

Просмотров: 29


Топ 10 песен Westlife

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