Текст песни Westlife - Chances

Исполнитель: Westlife
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Chances

Take all your chances while you can
You never know when they′ll pass you by
Like a sum the mathematician cannot solve
Like me trying my hardest to explain

It′s all about your cries and kisses
Those first steps that I can′t calculate
I need some more of you to take me over

Take me over

If I had the chance to start again
Then you would be the one I′d come and find
Like a poster of Berlin on my wall
Maybe there′s a chance our walls might fall

It′s all about your cries and kisses
Those first steps that I can′t calculate
I need some more of you to take me over

It′s all about your cries and kisses
Those first steps that I can′t calculate
I need some more of you to take me over

I know I because I can′t calculate

How to respect you
How to start again
How to start again
How to start again

It′s all about you

Просмотров: 40


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