Текст песни Take That - You Are the One

Исполнитель: Take That
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни You Are the One

You hurt my mind, you hurt my soul
Never believing what I′m saying
I′ll hunt you down, I′ll make you mine
You′ll be the game I′ve started playing
And if you won′t be there I will know where you′re going
And if you won′t be there I will try everyway of showing you that

You are the one, you are the one
The one for me
You are the one, you are the one
The one I need

You understand, you realise
The scene that I′m creating
And all the while you compromise
On the liberties I′m taking
If you don′t believe I want just you and I together
Then you won′t believe the dream of you and I forever because

You are the one, you are the one
The one for me
You are the one, you are the one
The one I need

Просмотров: 48


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