Rainbow - Snake Charmer

Исполнитель: Rainbow
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Snake Charmer

Old hollow eyes
Got no ties
Walking by the light of the moon
A pair of shiny boots
With strings and flutes
Rising like a crazy balloom
Close your door
He′s on the loose
Here he comes
No hope for you
Ooh Shake Charmer

Hey mystery man
What′s your plan
I′ve got to tell the world
To beware you don′t care
He′ll hipnotise you
And tell you lies
He′s hiding at the top of the stairs
Close your door
I see him coming out
There′s no hope for you
Ooh Snake Charmer
Shake Charmer

Hey fancy face
Got no place
Living from a hole in the ground
Old sparkle eyes
He never cries
One step ahead of the hounds
Close your door
He′s on his way

Просмотров: 36


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