Rainbow - Cold Hearted Woman

Исполнитель: Rainbow
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Cold Hearted Woman

She came from across the water
A devil′s daughter was in disguise
I crid for mercy - she bound and chained me
and then she played me, I was mesmerized
When she gave me blood red roses
They were wrapped in razor thorns
She was sly in her temptation
Then she left me on my own
Sutch a cold hearted woman
She promised passion everlasting
And now I′m haunted by her name
I gave up all that I ever cared for
Oh if I only had my yesterdays again
I′ve been blinded, now I′m broken
Sometimes I can hear her song
No man′s grass was ever greener
Now I find that I don′t belong
With a cold hearted woman
She touched my world and I was shaken

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