Текст песни Live - T.B.D.

Исполнитель: Live
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни T.B.D.

in the moment I was losing my head
and I was
reachin′ forward, I was already there
readin′ too much and losin′ my head

this information caused a cut in the line
now I′m remembering God and readin′
too much it′s so nice
the print is smaller than the ants in the grass
I′ll have to put it away now
in the morning there are things to be read
words to be said and food to be fed but I
won′t be there. I′ll be clutchin′ on a
megaphone pointed at my head, would you be
there, would you kindly, read this word for
word so loud and clear, I can′t remember
it all, it needs to be clear, I tell you, if
the feeling drops out of your voice, would you
kindly pick it up

this is how, I′ll go out tonight
dressed in blue, by the book tonight
this is how, I′ll go out tonight
but I don′t need a book.

we′re talkin′ anchors, talkin′ ships, we′re

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