Текст песни Live - Merica

Исполнитель: Live
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Merica

looks like america′s dropped her load
she was ready to explode
i could not see her from up here
cuz she was lyin′ in the road

my head′s in the ground
i can′t make a sound
my head′s in the ground

looks like america′s dropped her load
she tried to cal me on the telephone
everything is fine, now the baby′s here!
she′ll have to handle this one on her own

my head′s in the ground
i can′t make a sound
the priests were all stoned

california was in my mind
and love was a game that we played

my head′s in the ground
i can′t make a sound

Просмотров: 35


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