Текст песни Live - Meltdown

Исполнитель: Live
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Meltdown

Like himaalan cold winter
These jaws of kali yuga
Yeah it′s a crazy kind of cold
A lifeless slumber in a stranglehold
Yeah tibet, she can′t even touch this
I′d rather freeze in her forests
We′re in a spiritual winter
And I long for the one who is
Amongst the dreamers
You are in my heart
Like the sun on the icecaps
My only friend in the prison
The long lost meaning to the story, story
The divine and ancient wisdom
How could it be that you′ve graced my night?
Like a pardon from the governor
Like a transplant from the donor
Like a gift from the one who is
Amongst the dreamers
You are in my heart
Amongst the dreamers
You are in my heart

Просмотров: 27


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