Jack Johnson - Wasting Time

Исполнитель: Jack Johnson
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Wasting Time

i′m just a waste of her energy
and she′s just wasting my time
so why don′t we get together
and we could waste everything tonight
and we could waste and we could waste it all tonight

i don′t pretend to know what you know
now please don′t pretend to know what′s on my mind
if we knew already knew everything that everybody knows
we would have nothing to learn tonight
and we would have nothing to show tonight

but everybody thinks that everybody knows
about everybody else but nobody knows
anything about themselves
because they′re all worried about everybody else

love is just a waste of our energy
and life is just a waste of our time
so why don′t we get together
and we could waste everything tonight
and we could waste
and we could waste it all..

but everybody thinks that everybody knows
about everybody else but nobody knows
anything about themselves
because they′re all worried about everybody else

Просмотров: 31


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