Jack Johnson - Enemy

Исполнитель: Jack Johnson
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Enemy

After we spoke I had a dream that I broke
The teeth from a mouth of a snake
That I choked on the teeth
They were mine all along

I picked up the pieces when I woke
Put them in a boat made of things that I don′t want to see
I blew on the sail
Watched it drift out to sea
The further it drifted the closer it came to me
I can′t explain

So I took it apart in a billion boxes
There was only one thing
You might think I′m your enemy
But that don′t make you mine
And all I have now is above thee
I wish that you′d stop trying
Oh, please stop lying
Stop la la la la la la la
La la la la la...
The hatred in the box then I locked
The strongest one I knew
I buried it all, grew a tree without thorns
Sat beneath the shade
You might think I′m your enemy
But that don′t make you mine
And all I have now is above thee
I wish that you′d stop trying
Oh please stop lying
Please stop la la la la la la
La la la la la...
La la la la la...

Просмотров: 41


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