Apraxia - Sons Of Thule

Исполнитель: Apraxia
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Sons Of Thule

Oh, great ancient land Thule,
Sacred Nordland.
Thousands of years ago
We came from your icy soil.

Oh, great ancient land Thule,
Frozen northern land
Born by you, we started our walk
From snowy mountains and fields.

Conquerors go forward,
Fearless sons of cold.
Strong will and clear mind,
Muscles are strong as steel.

Blue eyes and white, as snow, skin
We′re race of new gods.
Born to clear from the disease
Lands beneath the sun.

We stand in a row and walk on, following eternal laws,
We′re warrior′s brotherhood of Nordic men,
We′re friendship of folks fastened by the oath.
The hardships of our route make us only stronger.

New era of sons of Thule - time of cleaning is coming!
We walk by the road that leads to a far future
And we step with belief that we are to become not simple grandsons
Who′re lucky to do more
But to become ancestors of future generations
Which keep the eternal life of our people.

Let enemies triumph yet - their death is near,
The punishment comes, time of cleaning is near.
Our new era,
New ages of sons for Thule.

Просмотров: 41


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