AC/DC - Hell ain′t a bad place to be

Исполнитель: AC/DC
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Hell ain′t a bad place to be

Young, Young, Scott)
Hey you - yea you

Sometimes I think this woman is kinda hot
Sometimes I think this woman is sometimes not
Puts me down, fools me around
What′s she doing to me?
Out for satisfaction, any piece of action
That ain′t the way it should be
She needs love, smells out a man
She′s gotta see
Pours my beer, licks my ear
Brings out the devil in me

Hell ain′t a bad place to be

Spends my money, drinks my booze, stays out every night
And I got to thinking, "Hey, just a minute, something ain′t right"
Disillusions and confusion
Make me want to cry
All the same, you lead your games
Tellin′ me your lies
Don′t mind her playing a demon
As long as it′s with me
If this is hell then you could say
It′s heavenly

Hell ain′t a bad place to be

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