A Great Big World - Cheer up

Исполнитель: A Great Big World
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Cheer up

Cheer up! ′Cos nothing really matters when you look up into outer space.
It′s a great big world and there′s no need to cry.
Cheer up! We′re all interconnected to the reaches of the galaxy.
And my best friend said he came from the sky.
He travelled to The Earth aboard a pink spaceship,
It′s hard for him to hide behind those eyes.

Cheer up! The atoms in your body are as old as every dinosaur.
You′re a special part of one bring grand design.
Cheer up! We′re all in this together to discover what we′re living for.
13 billion years and there′s still time.

Every night I wish upon the star so bright, waiting for the others to arrive.
Cheer up! ′Cos nothing really matters when you look up into outer space.
It′s a great big world and there′s no need to cry.
13 billion years and there′s still time.

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