Исполнители жанра sleaze rock

The Riot Soul

Просмотров: 37

Black Diamonds

There is more than one artist with this name:
1) Switzerland
Black Diamonds - four guys from the Rhine Valley in St. Gall Switzerland that seem to have sold their souls to the devil. With great commitment and passion they create songs to feel and sing along with. On stage they rock like there was no tomorrow and even optically they deliver a truly
authentic image. With the love for what they do and the obligatory portion of "dirt" they spread the spirit of rock in a flash.

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Hellcity Punks

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Electric Angels

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Scarlet Violet

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Peep Show

Johnny Gunn - vocals
Rusty Gill - guitar
Hexy Glaze - bass
Dagan Wilkin - guitar
Hammy - drums

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Nat Reed - Vocals
Thomas Buttcher - Lead guitar
Danny Michaels - Guitar
Drannath Kate - Bass
Mr. Lady - Drums

Просмотров: 40

Cowboy Prostitutes

Просмотров: 47

White Flame

Просмотров: 45


FRENCHKISS - Kick Ass Glam Band From Paris,FRANCE !!!


Просмотров: 51


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