Исполнители жанра 50s

The Silhouettes

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The Monotones

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The Robins

Californiaґs first "bird" group was formed when >Ty Terrell Leonard and the Richard brothers Billy and Roy met at Alameda High School in San Francisco in 1945, and formed the "A-Sharp Trio" (no recordings). The trio came to Hollywood a year later, and in 1949 they were joined by Bobby Nunn, who worked at Johnny Otisґ and Alu Bardiґs club "The Barrelhouse" in Watts. The group became the third of the trend setting bird groups after the Ravens and the Orioles. Grady Chapman joined the group as lead singer and fifth member in 1953. From March, 1954 Carl Gardner substituted for Grady (who was sent to jail for a while) and Carl was later featured as sixth singer in the group (and foremost lead on Spark Records). Chapman made some solo records in 1954 or 1955, and in 1957 and 1958 and also for Imperial after 1960 and was used as a studio back-up. He often joined Nunnґs Coasters Mark II during several years from the mid ґ60s, and worked with Billy Richards Jrґs Nunn-offspring "Coasters" group and also toured with his own line-up of "Coasters". Grady also substituted for Carl Gardner in the true Coasters a couple of times in the late ґ90s after Richards and Gardner had settled their differences. Ty Terrell, as he prefers to call himself, did some solo recordings after 1960. Several of the Robinsґ members also recorded with Marvin Phillips in different versions of "Marvin & Johnny".

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Bob Luman

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Freddy Cannon

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Dale Hawkins

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Sonny Burgess

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Bobby Day

Bobby Day (July 1, 1928 - July 15, 1990), was an early African American rock and roll and R&B musician.

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The Champs

The Champs была сформированна в Лос - Анжелесе, Калифорния в 1957 году. Собрались профессиональные музыканты для обеспечения инструментальной поддержки вокальной группы The Kuf - Linx . Для этих целей их объединил Джо Олден основатель и совладелец Challenge Records. После завершения сесии музыканты сами сделали запись трёх инструменталок, написанных Дейвом Бургессом, а Флорес ( Chuck Rio ) подпел в одной композиции слово "Tequila". И выпущенный в 1958 году сингл с этой композицией продержался на первом месте в американском чарте 19 недель. После такого успеха
был организован общенациональный тур. Состав группы постоянно менялся, что не помешало им ещё семь раз появиться в чартах со своими синглами. В 1964 группа распалась.

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Warren Smith

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