Исполнители жанра danish

Causa Sui

Causa Sui (meaning cause of itself in Latin) is four Danes in their early/mid-twenties, who have made and released music together since before they were teenagers in various genres.
Causa Sui is not the hipster's unintelligent 60ies-look nostagia music, not a scholar's sad search for the most complex of compositions, nor a neanderthal take on sludgy riffs. This is free music €“ all written, shaped, played and prduced by the band during 9 months of isolation.
Imagine the furious haze of manic Hendrix and Blue Cheer jamming with a young Iggy Pop, recorded and seamlessly layered by krautrockers Can. It€™s untamed music picked up from the late 60ies, not looking back at zeitgeists and other limitations, picking up different trails on the way, wrapped in a complex, but soundwise warm and simple jacket.

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Section A

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Sky Architects

Mr. Lassen - Guitar
Mr. Fast - Vocal/Guitar
Mr. Graneberg - Bass
Mr. Rasmussen - Drums

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Lampshade - это датско-шведский пост-рок проект из Мальме. Год основания - 2000.

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Lis Er Stille

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Scarred by Beauty

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As We Fight

Датчане «As We Fight» приступили к покорению современной metalcore-сцены в июле 2001 года и уже в сентябре следующего записали дебютный ЕР на студии «Antfarm Studios» под чутким контролем небезызвестного Tue Madsen (The Haunted, Sick Of It All, Himsa, Kataklism, Rob Halford). В поддержку пластинки команда совершила ряд концертных туров на территории Дании, а также приняла участие в нескольких фестивалях за ее пределами.

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Crocell’s trademark is classic death metal with tons of raw, Scandinavian power.

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