Anima Morte - Биография

Теги и жанры: progressive rock, instrumental, swedish, soundtrack

When ANIMA MORTE was suggested to the Symphonic Tam for addition, I checked the band without any expectation, because it sounded more like the name of a Death Metal combo than a Symphonic band, but the instant I heard the first sample, it was obvious I was before a classical Swedish band with respect for the sound of the Symphonic pioneers but at the same time an own style following the path of musicians and bands like BO HANSSON, NGLAGRD or PR LINDH PROJECT.

ANIMA MORTE is the brainchild of Fredrik Klingwall who in 2004 founded the band to re-create the music of the famous Italian movies by Dario Argento, most likely the origin of their sober but dark and mysterious at the same time (a good combination), soon after, in 2005 Fredrik asks Stefan Granberg to join the project, and with their combined efforts ANIMA MORTE takes off.

The band now formed by Fredrik Klingwall (Keyboards), Stefan Granberg (bass, bazouki, and electric guitar synths), Daniel Cannerfelt (guitars) and Teddy Mller(Drums), has released (with different formations), several albums, that go from the promising electronic vinyl single Viva Morte (2007) to the mature CD called The Nightmare Becomes Reality in 2011.

Due to their sound with abundant Hammond and Mellotron I asked Fredrik (by mail) if he had some PR LINDH PROJECT influence (Reminds me of The Cathedral), but he confessed to me that Bo Hansson and Samla Mammas Manna, Goblin along with Enio Morricone and Fabio Frizzi, were their main influences. Apart of the official releases, they have worked in such compilations like the surprising Rkstenen, a tribute to Swedish Prog.

So, for people who like bands a KING CRIMSON, ELP and Swedish icons with a touch of Italian horror soundtracks, ANIMA MORTE is one of the latest band to listen

Ivn Melgar-Morey - Per


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